Tuesday, May 01, 2007

A's response (in pink) to K's mail to D

This is a response to a mail that D forwarded to A...
A had to be gentle but firm with what she felt D couldn't read between the lines...

Ahalya Naidu (email)

My dear Divya Nair, I read the mail again, like an editor looking for a lawsuit.

dudette (...FINE FINE....ITS NORMAL TO USE SUCH WORDS THESE DAYS), whrs u...its almost 3 u know..i was arnd...M wanted to talk to u...i dint encourage (HM, HAVE U SPOKEN WITH THIS M CHAP BEFORE?)...partly coz i havta tell u first...anyways, u dont havta talk...he thinks i am not marrying anyone coz i'm in love wid u..so he was sorta cross examining me....wat my intentions are nd (READ THE NEXT BIT CAREFULLY, ESP. WHY AM 'I' NOT 'd' BUT 'I') why am I to make anything outta d relationship...its hard to explain wats our relationship is to each oder...i am not sure i know it myself. hes worried that i am putting off my marriage way too long...seems he doesnt like the idea of me marrying after 30...i dont havta, but i will, mostly (how nice, just not with you????). may be i shud stop pretending nd jst get on wid it..(it? what it? marriage? or you?).i dont know. my heads too mesd up i wish i cant think so much nd i dont think so much... anyways, i put off the question...i told him that i dont care wat he thinks...ur d closest anyone has come to talking like i do...nd it matters to me...i told him how u extensively use fuker nd bastard... nnd how i can relate to ur abuse. (masochist)..thats not a good reason to talk to u..i knowww....its a good reason not to stop talking to u tho...thats all it matters, doesnt it. ",

i dont know. u dont havta talk to him...nevermind all this...i jst mentioned (this is called mentioning???)coz i JUST ended the chat...u shud know...no actually u neednt...but (u sed to do the 'sh' sound to sound cute, it was pathetic, u do it too i've noticed, but tis just a time saving face saving cute making weapon nothing else, and he wrting it!!!not even saying it uno!!)) i told u...this is wat goes arnd...nd there wil be raised eye brows...i am sure ahal has some for u...well i think ahal has some for u...tho u dont blackmail me wid wat she says... (no comments)

considering wat kinda person i am.(i have 2 guesses)..its amazing that i like u.(now, what does that mean, why amazing???)
..nd like u much i do...oh well wat the hell...ur going to be mesd up in ur head wid all this...sorry abt that...if u can, jst ignore...i will. i can. (i will???i can??? whatever...D. please he very very mad)
>:D<>..sempiternal...stay put dame...nd nite nite too...gone.(really?)

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